Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I dreamt I was in Santa Cruz, near Westcliff, parking a car on a steep hill. Then I encountered the crazy dog lady from Reed who was trying to tell us that picking up dog poop makes her feel alive. Then I was having sex with Zach Braff in his warehouse apartment.


Unknown said...

Mmm Zach Braff.

Cecilia said...

everyone's all into warehouse apartments now. frickin zach braff...what a trendster.

aparently our fridge broke while we were in baja. but it sucked anyway (not as much as the taped bonny doon fridge, but it was fugly) and this morning i made ice in the freezer. i might go check on it right now.

yep, it's frozen.

basically, though, i just found the e-copy of your poem in my aol account which i rarely check, and i read it. and it was so amazing. and it made me wish that it were a monday-cheap-ride night at the boardwalk and that we were there together, because we never did get to go at the same time.

basically i miss ya face and that's about it.

and re: your hot tub. i want in. right now.

j. said...

a couple nights later i dreamt i was having gay sex with Justin Kirk (Prior from Angels in America) WTF.