Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hate is a strong word...

I dread strangers. And meeting people. And making chit chat. I dread extended family and neighbors and really any situation where I'm forced to act like I care about-- and am cared about by-- people I'm connected to on totally arbitrary levels. I know this sounds harsh, but really sometimes my life feels all too much like that scene from the beginning of The Graduate. Except that I don't even get the luxury of bad advice ("Plastics!") Instead, I get questions. Horrible, awful, ridiculous questions. You have no idea who I am or what I'm like and you're asking me what careers I'm considering or today's gem "What do you like to do?"
Believe me sweetie, if I knew do you think I'd be standing outside in my pajamas and slippers at 2:30pm on a Saturday staring at the cat to make sure he doesn't leave the property and get eaten by coyotes?


Erica said...

there are so many things I love about you:
one is your perfect honesty.
another is your ability to make even your most vulnerable moments hilarious because they are so true it hurts.
three, well, you can write.

Unknown said...

yeah... i'm noticing those kinds of encounters are less fun post-college. like my life should be hella on track now that i have a degree. before it was "what are you going to do with that?" and now it's "so what are you doing with that?" which is all the more terrifying.

j. said...

serioulsy kate! what the hell?!
get off our backs! being in your twenties is about fucking around and not having to answer these kinds of scary questions...
i'm moving under a rock!